Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Oh how I've missed blogging!

Its been busy, I'll admit, but life is full and rich and spicy, so I am not complaining.

But where were we?? Oh yes, a rich, busy and spicy life....

Over the school holidays, Bruce took me away for a romantic getaway to the Gold Coast. He was lavish and oh so romantic.....

We stayed a the Crowne Plaza Hotel (and you simply have not lived until you have had a bath in a room with a panoramic view of the Gold Coast at night. I rather liked the way the lights from Jupiter's Casino glittered on my toenail polish)

Bruce and I took in all the sights. We did some shopping in the finest of shoppes; and delightfully, I discovered that secret little nook where the residents of the Gold Coast get their Medieval Daggers:
What a find!

And we found the most charming little "discount" shop with toys for the most discerning of grown-ups (titter)!

I probably shouldn't share the intimate details of Bruce and my...intimate life... but there's almost nothing we enjoy more than a rousing marital game of "Lenin and the Bolshevik Maiden" (delicate giggle). Thank goodness we know where to go on the Gold Coast to make that happen!

Then we took some time to sample the local cuisine:


No wonder I can't lose weight!

My poor husband. He took one bite of these and immediately grew breasts and became surly and uncommunicative. When I asked him what was wrong he said "nothing............."

Well, I suppose that puts an endo to our Gold Coast adventures............


Anonymous said...

You really have a natural talent for humor in writing... I don't even know what to say...but thanks for making me laugh =D

The Good, The Bad, and the Godly said...

Thanks. Wait until I send you chapter ONE of my new book ;-)

Anonymous said...

You've moved. No wonder you've been so quiet. I'd started to miss hearing of your adventures on the other side of the planet.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to it ;)